Just Like The Rain Fallings
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Never measure your journey using someone else's ruler

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It's Coming..Soon
Something in my mind told me that...
.A-YO !
Hello Everybody(!)?

Well, yesterday I got my upu result and I got it. I can further my study and I might get my degree at such a young age. So what's the problem?

Here the main problem is. I wanted to be an accountant. Yup. That's it. A years back, my uncle suggested me to be a teacher and teach English. He said this country needed more teachers who can teach english. But, I ignored him. I said I never wanna be a teacher. That occupation was never on my job-I-want list.

I stubbornly entered a matriculation college with accountancy as my major. When things go hard, I lost my focus. I did terrible mistakes. I changed my mind. I wanna be teacher like what my uncle suggested to me. My dad likes it too if I become a teacher. But then, I lost my focus. I don't wanna be a teacher. I don't want anything. Like, what's happening to my beautiful world? Why is it so complicated? 

Anyway, I finished my study in the matriculation college with flying colour. Maybe a few colours. 
And yesterday, I got the offer to study with Technology Management as my major. And lemme tell you what added up my problem. Yes. Bachelor in Technology Management. Excuse me, management. I studied accountancy for 3 freaking years! Why the hell did I got you? My first option was ACCOUNTANCY! I feel like wanna cry. What have I done to deserve this problem?!

The sms stated that I got it and congratulated me. It doesn't tell me what my major. I was so happy before I checked it. I 100% sure it will be ACCOUNT again. I ran upstair to my room, looked for my printed upu application paper and BOMB! Bachelor in Technology Management. Tell me what the fish is that thing about? Should I feel happy? I feel like being stabbed millions times. My entire family were so happy! Their daughter, grandaughter, niece got the offer to further study in bachelor and there I was at the corner whatsapp-ing my bff. My ex-classmates got accountancy. Most of them. 

I never felt so much hurt before, This hurt me. I don't know about this course and my family happy for me because I can further my study.

Show me the way,God. 

Here's Your Perfect

Written by Ann
Re-tweaked by Ann.All rights reserved 2015 © Ann